Monday, August 1, 2011

New Photography Blog

If you're reading this blog or looking at the pictures here, you probably already know me. If not, I'll introduce myself briefly so you can get to know me a little better.

My name is Chasity Plunkett. I'm a stay at home mom to two beautiful little girls. Reghan is our oldest daughter and she is a carbon copy of me, looks and personality. She will be 6 years old in September and will be attending kindergarten in a few weeks. Our youngest daughter, Rylee will be 3 in September. She is the spitting image of her daddy but acts like her Mommy. We call her the "wild one". My husband, Shawn, works as a production scheduler full time so that I can stay home with our daughters. I'm sure he feels outnumbered in a house full of girls but he handles all the drama very well.

I started my photography journey in 2010 when I purchased my first DSLR camera. I am always trying to learn new editing techniques and come up with creative posing ideas. This blog will be mostly about the clients and their sessions. It will have a few proofs from each session so that you can see them and show them to friends and family. I hope you all enjoy my work. I love to capture smiles and laughter in my sessions and look forward to creating many more memories for all my future clients.

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